It may be a struggle or a windfall of some sort, either way- these events will clarify every relationship in your life. People seem to always reveal their true character and heart when faced with adversity, success and/or with money. People that win the lottery will often complain that they have loved ones, distant relatives, friends and even complete strangers that will come out of the woodwork trying to become close enough to be gifted as well.
Certainly, I haven't found "extra friends," because of my constant pain but it has revealed who will still stand at my side with compassion. If you have a relationship with a loved one that is fractured, chances are that this new physical challenge will sadly widen the cracks. In most marriage vows, we say quite cheerfully "In sickness and in health," for better and for worse, " but it will soon become apparent how strong your relationship is when tested.
So, we tread carefully on the path together and despite my body becoming more dependent....
I can feel my spirit rise up REMINDING ME OF MY WORTH!!
Losing my husband's shoulder as my "soft place to fall," would definitely crush my heart but Losing My Dignity would break it into a thousand pieces.
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